Safety Is Urged as Alaska’s Road Conditions Get Icier

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  • During the beginning of the winter season, the road conditions in Alaska begin to worsen and more and more accidents are being reported.

    Already, Alaska has had numerous motor vehicle accidents due to the icy and slick road conditions as winter nears. Several of them have been fatal and others were seriously injured. It is extremely important to remember that safety comes first when traveling in these conditions.

    Wearing a seat belt and following traffic signals and signs as well as speed limits is necessary if you would like to avoid an accident or collision with another vehicle. Also make sure to have a designated driver at any time when you may have had a consumed alcohol.

    Alaska’s icy road conditions will only worsen within the next few months be sure that you are prepared.

     Were you involved in a car accident during rough road conditions? Did you suffer injury at another driver’s negligence to maintain control of their vehicle? If you would like to see if you are entitled to compensation for your losses, call an Anchorage accident attorney for a consultation.