Insure Your Business

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  • Workman's Comp

  • Accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime.  That is why businesses, especially those with high-risk employee duties, must carry workman’s comp insurance. Workman’s comp is a legal requirement that most businesses need to carry, but in the end, it is much more than protection for the business in case of accident. It shows your employees you are ready to protect them in the unfortunate event of a workplace incident.

    Employees and Their Families

    Employees need protection for their families and themselves while out of work due to an on-the-job injury.  Any type of injury can potentially cause such a situation. Letting employees know you care and are there for them will give them a sense of ease and let them know they are a priority beyond what they can do for you at the work place.

    Businesses also need protection.

    Any workplace injury is a potential liability for your business. Yes, accidents do happen and making sure you are covered will provide the reassurance your employee is receiving proper care. This allows you to focus on running your business one employee short and not on the stress of being improperly insured. Your local business insurance agent can help you make sure you are on the right track for coverage.

    Check in Often

    It is always a good idea to revisit your insurance when there is any substantial change in your business plan. Growth is good, as long as the risks associated with it are identified and covered. Reviewing your insurance needs on a regular basis is a great way to make sure you are up-to-date and compliant with local and state laws.

    Keep yourself and your employees safe and adequately insured. Peace of mind is no accident.